Is disability given after removal of brain meningioma?

The process of obtaining a disability group after removal of a brain meningioma will depend on some decisive factors.

Meningioma is a tumor of the brain that in the vast majority of cases is a benign tumor. After removal of a brain meningioma, disability is given if this need is due to medical indications .

Do meningioma and pituitary adenoma cause disability?

But, before talking about assigning a group, it is worth noting that not always identified cases can become a reason for applying for a determination of disability. If the patient does not have pronounced external clinical manifestations characteristic of meningioma and caused by it, it is not possible to apply for a disability group, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Factors that influence receiving a disability group

When identifying this pathology, the size of the tumor, its location, as well as the nature of the external symptoms caused by the meningioma are important. Disability during the initial examination is most often given, but for a period of 12 months. This period of time allows you to carry out all the necessary examinations and procedures, rehabilitation, as well as monitor the dynamics of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

The patient has the right to apply for determination of incapacity for work and re-obtaining a disability group when:

  • the prescribed treatment did not produce results, and the tumor progresses;
  • the patient's condition worsens;
  • there is a need for additional sessions, for example, radiation therapy.
After all the examinations, it will be determined how legitimate the application for disability is, and whether the specific picture of the disease falls within the standards established by law.
  Brain meningioma - life prognosis

Re-obtaining a group is impossible due to the lack of medical indications in the following cases:

  • when the medicinal procedures contributed to the establishment of a stable condition;
  • when the process of tumor development is stopped;
  • there are no symptoms of the disease.

Thus, the absence of clinical indicators and external manifestations of meningioma during examination does not give reason to count on a reasonable assignment of a disability group.


Unfortunately, meningioma can be not only a benign neoplasm that does not cause significant deterioration in health. In exceptional cases, a malignant tumor develops that requires surgical intervention, as does a pituitary adenoma of the brain.

Tumor classification and disability

As with meningioma, pituitary adenoma is extremely rare and occurs as a malignant neoplasm. Thus, the nature of the tumor, first of all, influences the decision on the need to provide a disability group when identifying this disease. Therefore, you can count on assigning a disability group during the initial examination only if the tumor significantly affects your ability to work and provokes the manifestation of external signs of the disease.

If the symptoms that are usually provoked by meningioma or pituitary adenoma are absent and do not bother you, and the tumor does not progress after therapy, upon re-examination you can count on receiving disability only if we are talking about serious postoperative complications or a rapid deterioration of the patient’s condition.

Thus, a pituitary adenoma, like meningioma , which has not caused irreversible consequences for human health and is in a stable condition, cannot be considered a reason for granting a disability group.

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