Nutrition for a brain tumor

A healthy diet for brain cancer can help you recover quickly after or during your illness.

Nutrition for a brain tumor

Nutrition for a brain tumor plays an important role in organizing comprehensive treatment and maintaining a person’s condition in the best possible condition. If you organize your diet correctly and in a balanced manner, the body will receive the necessary amount of micronutrients and vitamins, which will help it cope with a complex illness.

The role of nutrition in the fight against disease

The nutrition prescribed to cancer patients must fulfill a specific role and solve several problems.

  1. Strengthening the immune system. The foods chosen for nutrition should strengthen the immune system and stimulate the functioning of the entire endocrine system.
  2. Cleansing the body. A diet for brain cancer should contain certain components and products that will remove harmful substances from the body, preventing them from accumulating.
  3. Normalization of blood composition. This goal can be achieved not only with medications, but also with properly selected products.
  4. Increased body strength. With a properly formulated diet for a brain tumor, the sick person’s body will receive nutrients that are enough not only for life, but also to fight a dangerous disease.
A properly formulated diet will help cope with the disease, so when preparing a diet for an oncology patient, certain rules should be followed.

It is important to remember that you should not change a person’s diet suddenly. Adjustments should be made gradually and carefully so that the weakened body does not receive additional stress.

Nutrition for brain cancer

As already noted, it is a nutritious, balanced diet that will help the patient gain strength. Therefore, food must contain the following components:

  • Whole grains (20–30%).
  • Vegetables, fruits (50–60%).
  • Soups (5%).
  • Legumes and sea vegetables (5–10%).
  • Other products.
Today it is quite difficult to choose products that will be healthy and nutritious, since many products on the shelves contain a huge amount of carcinogens and radiation carriers.
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But it is possible to determine a clear list of products that will be beneficial for the human body.

Diet for brain cancer

List of foods for brain cancer

There are clear recommendations about diet if you are diagnosed with brain cancer. The list of products must be chosen clearly and with maximum benefit to the body. Here are the main foods that should be in your diet:

  1. Garlic is an excellent natural antiseptic that will help relieve inflammation.
  2. Green tea. This product contains a fairly strong anti-cancer substance. But it is worth remembering that the anti-cancer properties last only for an hour after brewing.
  3. Soy. Genestein, glycetin, daidzin, which are contained in soy, can significantly enhance the beneficial properties of green tea.
  4. Fresh vegetables (beets, zucchini, carrots, blue cabbage, broccoli). But it is worth remembering that vegetables may contain pesticides and nitrates, so they should be soaked before eating.
  5. Fruits, in particular for cancer, the most useful are raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries and many others. Before eating, any fruit should be washed with the addition of soda, since the seller coats them with special compounds to improve transportation properties.
  6. Unrefined, cold-pressed olive oil helps reduce the HER-2 gene in the body, which causes cancer.
  7. Turmeric is well absorbed with pepper and ginger and helps remove cancer cells from the body.
  8. Nuts.
  9. Chlorella, blue algae, dandelion leaves, cabbage, green peas, nettles and so on.

Prohibited Products

When organizing nutrition for brain cancer, it is worth remembering that there is a certain list of foods that are strictly prohibited from being added to the diet.

  • All types of smoked meats.
  • Products containing artificial trans fats.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup.
  • Fast food food.
  • Refined vegetable oil.
  • Confectionery, chips, popcorn.
  • Butter with a fat content of less than 82.5%.
  • Frozen semi-finished products.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Canned food.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Coffee, cocoa, ice cream.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Products containing food additives E-125, 510, 513, 527.Nutrition for brain cancer

Sample diet for brain cancer

There are many options for the diet of a patient with brain cancer. It is quite difficult to create the most successful option yourself; it is best to contact a nutritionist for help. For example, a diet for a brain tumor might look like this:

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First day

Breakfast may consist of millet milk porridge, weak coffee with milk, a sandwich with butter and Feta cheese. For second breakfast you can eat a pear or an apple.

For lunch you can make chicken soup with vegetables. Boiled chicken with a side dish can be taken as a main dish. Lunch is complemented by a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and olive oil. The diet will be complemented by compote of berries and fresh fruits.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat kefir or yogurt with lean cookies.

For dinner, you can prepare mashed potatoes with stewed fish, a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, weak green tea with marshmallows or marmalade.

Second day

Breakfast can be presented as follows:

  • A slice of whole grain bread.
  • Lean ham.
  • Omelette made from milk and fresh eggs.
  • Two pieces of dark chocolate.
  • Herb tea.

For second breakfast, you should eat fruit, such as a banana or orange.

Lunch might look like this:

  • Bean and vegetable soup.
  • Carrots with rice as a side dish.
  • Fish with onion marinade.
  • Fresh berry jelly.

For dinner you can prepare the following dishes:

  • Beef balls.
  • Carrot salad with garlic.
  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Green tea and marshmallows.

Nutrition for cancer patients will not only be balanced and healthy, but also incredibly tasty. And the result will be obvious.

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